Sunday, February 15, 2009

Through a Six Year Old's Eyes

So I came across these pictures and I had forgotten all about them. One morning back towards the end of October, I gave Christopher my cameral and let him take all the pictures he wanted between our house and school on the way to school one morning. I wanted to see what kinds of things he took pictures of and to kind of see through the eyes of a six year old little boy. Here are some of the ones I thought were kind of neat, and/or came out clear enough to post, lol.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Christmas (Yes I know it's almost Valentine's Day)

Um, ok, so Christmas. Yes, I'm running a little behind. Christmas was wonderful this year (or, um, last year). All of us got together at Mom and Dad's, and of course Kevin was home for Christmas this time so that made it all the better. We opened presents, ate dinner, played games, and watched a movie. I don't usually make a huge deal out of Santa Claus. I mean he "brings" Christopher presents and everything, but I've never gone all out. This year, I guess b/c we're in our very own house, I did it up a little, all the while emphasizing the true meaning of Christmas, which I am proud to say he knows really well. We made cookies and left cookies and milk out for Santa. I had wrapped all of Christopher's Santa gifts in a different kind of wrapping paper to make it seem even more special. Christmas Eve we left the cookies out for Santa and after Christopher had gone to sleep I got rid of the cookies, drank the milk, and put his presents out. I even wrote a little thank you note from "Santa" for the cookies. Christopher ate it up! Krissy, Kevin, and I made Mom and Dad a little scrapbook in which we all wrote, in our own handwriting, our memories of Mom and Dad and things about our childhood. They loved it. Mom did not disappoint-I knew she would cry, although she held it to the very end and for a minute I thought she was going to get through it without shedding a tear. In one of the pics of Mom and Dad looking at it you can see Billy off to the side looking like "Oh my gosh is this over yet!". And oh yes, the dogs were of course part of the festivities too.